weather forecast: raining balls

football 足球(Zúqiú) - The game of football is any of several similar team sports, of similar origins which involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot in an attempt to score a goal.

everyone is suffering from world cup fever at this moment. so whoever that is not shan't bother whoever that is. i don't know but i don't care much about footie no more. i remember i used to go ga-ga over all the guys, sticking posters all over my room. my schoolmates and i used to compare notes on who is better looking and which team is better ... ie: man u vs liverfool.

but now, sad to say...the guys for this year's world cup errmmmm tak boleh pakai. my friend said cos they are all too young for an aging me! hahahaha! young and yummy never mind, i can still take.