gloom - 幽暗 (you an) 어둠 (eodum): a state of melancholy or depression; despondency.
first day of the year.... didn't i just say i would be more positive? old habits die hard i guess. there are always excuses for how you behave and what or why you did not do this or that. i have been home the whole day. i slept at around 5 plus this morning but yet i woke up around 9 plus near 10 and have been awake since. i have a bf whom i do not want to spend anytime with at all. in fact, i don't feel like seeing him at all even though i am now home alone with my dog. do i feel sad? do i feel pathetic? yah i guess to a certain extent i do but the worse of it all is that i feel all these but yet i rather feel it than spend time with him.
i think i should not be a bitch and hold on because i am scared. but it's easier said than done. it's nothing something that is done overnight. there will be days and nights like these when i won't have anyone to go dinner with or anywhere to go but is holding on a solution?
please god... give me a sign!